Cover of Ink Knows No Borders over green background

Immigrant and Refugee Stories: Ink Knows No Borders

Poetry offers a creative outlet for writers to explore their emotions, experiences, and dreams for the future. It offers extraordinary literary freedom. It can look and sound like anything the author wants—it could rhyme (or not), it could be a haiku with short and simple syllables, or it could be...

Green background with book in the front. Book cover reads

Cheers to Stolen Memories

Way back in the day, we had this thing called Must See TV. And one of the shows you had to “must-see” was Cheers. Set in a bar in Boston, the show operated around the premise that “sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name.”

Purple background with book, The Darkness Outside Us pictured. The cover shows two young men standing close together inside a spaceship.

Catfish in Space?

For some bizarre reason, I’ve recently gotten into the MTV show Catfish. Basically, it’s a documentary show where the hosts help people track down someone who they have met or fallen in love with online. The catch—they have never met in person (and many times, think that something seems fishy). 

Image of smiling man with beard wearing a black cap and black sweatshirt. Yellow text on a blue background reads Author Q&A: Brandon Abdon.

Author Q&A: Dr. Brandon Abdon

You know him as an AP® English teacher, webinar presenter, and author of our AP® Literature and Composition and AP®  Language and Composition coursebooks by AMSCO®.But how did he get here?Watch the video below to find out how Brandon become a teacher, and what he finds most rewarding about...
front cover of Akemi Dawn Bowman's The Infinity Courts against a teal background. The image on the book is of a teenage girl in front of a red colored full moon.

Keurig Confessions—Love the Machine, or Else…

About three weeks ago, my Keurig died halfway through brewing my morning cup of This Is My Only Reason For Living. Weeping, lamenting, and the rending of stevia packets in protest did nothing to assuage the pain pulsating from the hole left in my soul at the death of my beloved morning companion.

Image of Lauren Peterson speaking

Author Q&A: Lauren Peterson

Come hang out with one of our AP® Language and Composition coursebook by AMSCO® authors, Lauren Peterson! Lauren emphasizes that her role as a teacher extends beyond the classroom. Hear about how she became a teacher, her opinion on hardback versus paperback books, and how she inspired a student to...