AP® English Exam Prep

Reflections from the 2023 AP Literature Reading

This summer, I had the privilege of scoring Question 2 at the AP Literature Reading. I had not been to the reading in a few years, taking off the summer of 2021 and serving on the standard setting panel in 2022. I was reenergized by seeing all of our collective efforts in motion. After my hiatus,...

Top 5 Takeaways From the 2023 AP® Language Exam

While the 2023 AP English Language and Composition exam represents year 4 of assessment using the analytic scoring guide and year 3 of the changes to the multiple choice section, for me personally, it truly felt like the 22-23 school year was the very first “normal” instructional year since the...

Prepping Your Students for the AP® English Exams

It’s a month before the AP exam and you’re freaking out- You're trying to think about what you need to review with your students, what you should ask them to do, how you can best support them. What do you do? How do you set them up for success? How can you encourage them to review what they have...