Graphic Literary Analysis Presentations

When it comes to assessments in English classrooms, many teachers fall in the routine of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, and essays. Rinse then repeat. While this can often be tedious for a teacher, imagine how your students feel.

Group of teens of various ethnic, gender and sexual identities looking into camera and holding pride flags.

Exploring Identity Through Narrative Writing

During Pride Month, everyone expects coming out stories or rainbow flags to take over their social media profile pics–and honestly, I love those parts of June. But as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, we love to hear stories of identity, whether or not it connects to sexuality or gender. Being...

High school ELA students laugh while looking at social media posts.

ELA: Tweets to Check Reading Comprehension

I don’t know about you, but I hate grading reading comprehension questions. First of all, the answers usually could be “borrowed” from websites like LitCharts or Spark Notes so they don’t actually tell you if the students read or not. Secondly, just because a student can tell you what happened in a...

ELA Activity: Character Analysis Diagram

Analyzing complex characters in a novel or a short story requires students to look at many things such as how they’re described physically, but also their motivations for their actions and events that happen, their reaction to external factors, and the relationships they have. 

overlapping pieces of multicolored paper to look like a venn diagram

Creative Ways to Teach Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary—integrated into a text or isolation can be tricky when it comes to thinking of engaging ways to create meaning. We fall back on the old “write a sentence that shows the meaning of the word” assignment. But we all know that when students are developing an understanding of a word,...