Written feedback from teacher that says

Secondary ELA Grading Hacks

As secondary English teachers, we know how important it is for our students to learn to write well. We also know that oftentimes means we have over a hundred papers to grade. 

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Please Judge These Books: Our Favorite Books of 2022

The golden rule of reading is “don’t judge a book by its cover,” and even though I’m not in this instance, it would lead to the same decision: buy it, read it, love it. This last year has been filled with beautiful book after beautiful book and entertaining storyline after entertaining storyline....

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Perfect Pear-ings

Your Bow Tie Literacy Guy Michael Guevara is showcasing his favorite book pairings! Add these titles to your classroom library and download an accompanying ELA lesson. Happy reading!

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Best YA Debut Authors of 2022

Jennifer Epping shares her top five favorite young adult debut authors of 2022. There's stories of the apocalypse, a moon goddess, budding romances, and coming-of-age stories. Pick up one of these stories and download the accompanying lessons now!

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Halloweenie Books

October is spooky month so what better way to embrace the season than books with mutant teenagers, witches, vampires, and more! Michael Guevara offers five recommendations for Halloween related books and provides an accompanying lesson for each.