Literature (3)

Quote from Everything Comes Next: Collected and New Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye that reads

Rock Star Poets

The “Greatest Hits” album. All the greats do it—Creedence Clearwater Revival, Tom Petty, Elton John, Madonna, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mariah Carey—so it only makes sense that poets would do the same thing. 

quote from

Aggressively Poetic

Leaves caked my front yard, suffocating the burgeoning grass below as I sat on the couch and told myself only one more episode of Law & Order and then I’ll get up and tackle the task waiting for me outside my front door.

Dead White Poets Society

Scads of English teachers have shown the movie Dead Poets Society in class to either begin their poetry unit or to try and inspire an appreciation for poetry. I technically showed the movie to teach media messages as constructs, but residual poetry appreciation was always an added bonus and hope. 

Text: Download Lesson; Image: I Am Malala book in classroom

Women's History Month: I Am Malala

In recent months, the Taliban in the Middle East has taken over once again after American troops removed themselves. The first person I thought of was Malala Yousafzai and what in the world she was going to do about this. Her story is one of strength under impossible torture and pain.

Text: Women's History Month: Celebrating Powerful Women; Image: Girl leaning over a ledge, looking at the text

Women's History Month: Powerful Women

If we all trace our lineage back generation by generation, you will almost always find a fearless woman at the forefront of care, kindness, and the ability to multitask just about everything. Women are strong. We’ve fought for our right to vote, own our own property, and we are still fighting for...

Text: Download Lesson; Image: Book covers for Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry and The Field Guide to the North American Teenager

Black History Month: Death by Journal

Okay—circle of trust here. After dropping my youngest child off at college all the way from San Antonio, Texas, to Lawrence, Kansas, at The University of Kansas, I simply said goodbye and drove the 11 hours back home. Except, as soon as I got to our house, I stepped into the hallway bathroom and...