Do you need some ideas and/or extra support to organize your AP® European History course? Join Lou Gallo as he shares ideas on organizing your course and explains strategies that he has used successfully with his students.
This session focuses on the basic structure of the course and methods Lou uses to encourage students to read and improve their writing skills. Included are his course guidelines, course content broken down into bullet points that specify historical developments that are required and those that can be used to supplement the curriculum requirements. Also included are techniques that he uses with his students to help them brainstorm and organize their note-taking and free-response skills.
Watch the video to learn more about how to use these resources effectively.

Lou Gallo is a College Board AP® European History and United States History consultant who leads summer institutes nationally. He currently teaches both courses at West High School in Knoxville, Tennessee, and also teaches AP® European History online at Dwight Global, based in New York City. He has also served in a leadership role at the AP® European History reading since 2000 and is a Senior Reviewer of the AP® European History coursebook by AMSCO®.
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