In honor of Black History Month, I have created a lesson that can be used for students to learn (or review what they have learned) about African American experiences from the period after the Civil War through the Great Depression. Hopefully you will find the lesson useful and students will find it both informative and enjoyable as it requires them to do research and to be creative.
The goal is for students to leave this lesson with a better understanding of African American experiences during this time period as well as improving their research and presentation skills.

Lou Gallo is a College Board AP® European History and United States History consultant who leads summer institutes nationally. He currently teaches both courses at West High School in Knoxville, Tennessee, and also teaches AP® European History online at Dwight Global, based in New York City. He has also served in a leadership role at the AP® European History reading since 2000 and is a Senior Reviewer of the AP® European History coursebook by AMSCO®.