Jennifer Epping

Text: Celebrating Pride Month 2021, Download Lesson; Image: These Witches Don't Burn book cover

Pride Mini Lesson: These Witches Don't Burn

The 2015 legalization of same-sex marriage in the U.S. has given book, television, and movie writers encouragement to incorporate queer characters into their works. Even though the queer community still has a long way to go for equal rights under the law, creative writers have mostly stepped up to...

Text: Celebrating Pride Month 2021, Download Lesson; Image: One Life book cover

Pride Mini Lesson: One Life

Megan Rapinoe is a well-known women’s soccer player who has helped the U.S. women’s team win two World Cups, won an Olympic gold medal, and constantly uses her platform to advocate for equality. Rapinoe also identifies as a lesbian and is currently engaged to WNBA player Sue Bird. Can you say...

Text: Happy Pride!, Download Lesson; Image: Rainbow background

Pride Month: More than Rainbows

Rainbow flags fly, the face tattoos are at Target, and every brand around has brightly colored versions of their products. Oreo, Nike, and Disney go rainbow, while Skittles goes colorless in solidarity for Pride Month.