The words are never right. The time is never perfect. And life keeps piling stress after stress onto the people we love. What do we say to someone who might be struggling with a mental illness? I usually ask if I can help in any way or send them their favorite junk food with a heart-felt note. But does it really help? I don’t know.
In the book, Your Brain Needs A Hug: Life, Love, Mental Health, and Sandwiches, author Rae Earl uses a personable tone and humor to crack open the reader and bring perspective about a touchy topic—mental health. Near the end of the book, Earl gives the reader some advice on what to say or do for someone with a mental illness. The entire chapter is worth a read, but below is an excerpt to kick off your learning.
Earl starts off by saying that when we want to help someone with any illness we always default to what makes us feel better when we are in a hard situation, but to remember that that might not be what that person needs to hear or do. Everyone is different.
Perhaps it’s easier to start with a list of don’ts. There are universally unhelpful things to do or say to anyone that’s suffering with a mental illness:
Don’t try to solve all their problems… Don’t be the clown who tries to make them smile or the advice-giver who tries to wave a magic wand over their illness and their life. That isn’t helping them. Honor where someone is in their life, and listen.
Don’t tell them to pull themselves together, or to smile… Encourage them to seek professional help, but don’t moan at them. Sometimes going on and on about getting help may make someone feel pressured and stressed and perhaps less likely to get help.
Don’t hover over them like a hawk or smother them. (261).
Over the next several pages it talks about “very simple ways you can help someone with their mental health” and also “how to help yourself when you’re helping others.” Providing students with this guidance will give them the tools they’ll need to be a good friend, family member, or peer for their entire lives. Plus, honestly, how many of us teachers needed this guide too? I know I did!
Provide a few scenarios about encounters with someone who is struggling with mental illness and discuss the do’s and don’ts provided in this book. You can split students into groups or partners or have them work independently for 15 to 20 minutes, then circle around and have each group share thoughts about their assigned scenario. I recommend doing one scenario together as a class as an example.
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Jennifer Epping is a high school English and journalism teacher in Des Moines, Iowa. She has a passion for reading, writing, and making lame jokes to her students just to see them laugh or roll their eyes. She just concluded her ninth year teaching. Epping graduated from Iowa State University with a BS in journalism and mass communication (2010) and BA in English Education (2013). She attended New York University’s Summer Publishing Institute (2010), and spent some time in children’s book publishing in New York