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#APLangTop5 Session 1: Teaching the Rhetorical Situation

Written by Anne Posegate, M.S. Ed. Leadership | Jun 17, 2021 3:50:02 PM

Need extra support teaching AP® English Language and Composition? We’ve got you covered! Join our co-authors, Timm Freitas and Lauren Peterson—current AP® teacher leaders and nationally known consultants—as they break down the most difficult concepts and offer step-by-step tips and skill-building resources.


With each session, Timm and Lauren review essential lessons and templates from our AP® Language book. Additionally, they’ll dig deeply into their personal repertoire of teaching resources to offer relevant strategies that will both engage students and help gain mastery in the course and on the exam!


Don’t miss this important series!


Watch the next set of videos in our series, for Concept #4, here!

Click here to download the presentations for the full series — use in your daily lessons!


Anne Posegate is currently the Adoptions and RFP Manager at Perfection Learning®. She has 10 years of hands-on experience in education as a teacher, principal, and university instructor and is a published author. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Educational Leadership and has a deep passion for educational technology. 


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